THE STORY SO FAR You awaken in a strange metal chamber with glass doors containing you within it. As you struggle to move around in the tight space you realise what this is. You remember, the day it all began. Doomsday, and the decimation of mankind as we knew it. A covert government organisation known as The Parallax Organisation, was formed in order to devise a means of controlling the worlds population as a whole. Trials of a new lethal injection method went underway in prisons across the globe. It was decided that prisoners would be the first target for lowering overall population. This system started rather well, however due to a mutation of the injection fluid scientists had not foreseen, a virus was born. A virus so destructive, so unholy it would mutate and torture its victims rather than kill them outright leaving those who were infected to writhe in agony and pain becoming monstrous bloodthirsty abominations. These creatures began ravaging the general population after having escaped containment at various medical facilities around the globe. After considerable control efforts, we had no choice but to result to mass genocide. Wiping out entire regions of the planet. Chemical warfare mutilated the ground and cities killing billions. This soon became termed as "The Parallax Effect". What little remained of the world descended into chaos and those who could survive banded together to fight off the creatures for as long as they could. That brings us to the present day. The date is unknown, you are one of the survivors, how you choose to survive next is entirely up to you. Turn to the life of a bandit, pillaging, looting and stealing from others to survive. Or, band together with like minded friends and work together to not only survive, but thrive in this post-apocalyptic world.
Copyright © 2020 Danstarr13